
| Molecular biology - Plants |

Leaf of E. canadensis in water

Leaf of E. canadensis with added solution of 2M NaCl.

Onion peel (Allium cepa) in water.

Onion peel (Allium cepa) with added solution of 2M NaCl.

Untreated potato.
Untreated paprica.

Potato treated with Lugol solution.

Paprica treated with Lugol solution.

Leaf of E. canadensis treated with Lugol solution.

Calcium oxylate crystals from outer scales of onions (Allium cepa).
Tobacco leaves under microscope. No crystals visible.
Untreated petal of Pelargonium flower.
Petal of Pelargonium in a solution of 2M NaCl.

Untreated petal of Petunia flower. 

Petal of Petunia flower in a solution of 2M NaCl.
Calcium oxidate crystals from leaf of Tobacco plant treated with Ethanole.

Top left) Pelargonium grown in sucrose
Lower left) Pelargonium grown in water
Top right) Tobacco leaves grown under light + dark
Lower right) Tobacco leaves grown indark


| This is Halloween |

Nu är det höööst!

Halloween närmar sig, och trots att jag inte har planerat in någon speciell halloween-fest, så är det dags att börja fundera på vad man ska ha på sig. Halloween är lätt min favvo-högtid på året! Nu när jag är svarthårig så funderar jag på att använda mig av det i min outfit. Jag tänker typ Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd, L, eller Cheshire cat från Alice i Underlandet (som för övrigt är det bästa konceptet någonsin). Vad tycker ni? Bilder ifrån archaical.tumblr.com, bland annat!

Translation: Halloween is getting closer, and as it is my favourite holiday of the year, I already started to plan out my halloween outfit. So, because my hair is black nowadays, I'm thinking I could use that somehow! What do you guys think?


| Octoberfest |

Today's dilemma is: I got an awesome Octoberfest hat yesterday from my dad, and it's really awesome. Like, really. It's great. I mean it. It looks like this:

SO yeah, it looks really good in my opinion, but it has a STUFFED BEER MUG on it!! I can't wear that in public! Or can I?